In the 2000s, Japan was the first country to move forward by harvesting rice, and that’s how Thanksgiving Day, formally known as Autumn Harvest Festival, began. EmperorJimmu was the first one to initiate the celebrations of Niinamesa. But now it turns into Happy Thanksgiving Day for the laborers. Furthermore, school children prepare cards to show dignity to the firefighters, hospital staff, school peons, or other laborers as a sign of Thanksgiving. Thus, staying in connection with friends and family is important in such events. So, if your family member is serving labor duties abroad, you can connect with them through RingTok. Share your moments and feelings or organize meetings for Labor Day, as it is an excellent platform.

How Is Thanksgiving Day Celebrated in Japan?

On 23 November, Japan celebrates to honor their labors by giving a public holiday. However, it’s not a religious event. But to assure the people that their country entirely admires them if they work so hard throughout the year. Nagano Labor Festival on that day beautifies the charms of the festival. Moreover, they discuss human rights and environmental issues too.

On the other hand, on 1 May, trade unions celebrate this day by holding rallies. So, people exchange greetings, children make crafty cards, and women prepare food. That is how the whole day lights up in Japan. Keep reading to indulge more about Labor Thanksgiving Day in this part of the world.

1.  What Is the History of Kinro Kansha No Hi?

“Kinro Kansha, no Hi” is the Labor Thanksgiving Day, celebrated in Japan in November. Initially, it was known as Niinamesai (ritual of harvest festival). However, after World War II in 1948, it was re-established as Labor Thanksgiving Day. This re-establishment transpired when Japan switched from an agricultural country to an industrial nation. People celebrate this day to honor the dedicated workers who work diligently to build the country’s foundations.

Interestingly, Japan displays its rituals to the world through multiple online platforms. People use apps like RingTok to connect with the world and show everyone how people are celebrating. This app helps you understand every word and jargon, regardless of your native language. That’s how you bridge the communication between Japan and other countries.

2.  What Are Famous Thanksgiving Meals?

It is not only about bonding with your friends and family and giving gestures of happiness. This festival is highly celebrated in Japan by enjoying Thanksgiving dinner in hotels, restaurants, and at home with families. They mainly prefer traditional food like rice, fish, and tea. Nevertheless, many restaurants serve the table with American and Turkish foods too. You can also get a Tokyo Thanksgiving meal at restaurants. These meals include cranberry jam, bubbies, bistro vino, and soul food house. Besides sharing meals, you can also click memorable pictures with your loved ones and share them with other members across the globe with the RingTok application. It is a cross-platform that helps you to celebrate the day by sharing images and videos or even food recipes in your circle.

3.  Japan Thanksgiving vs Western Thanksgiving

You may wonder what’s unique or different on Thanksgiving Day in Japan than in western countries. Most western countries celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September. American people are very passionate about their events. That’s why they celebrate the Labor festival with high energy. On the other hand, people like to celebrate in a low-key way in Japan. They like to stay indoors with their loved ones. Sometimes they also go out for dinner to celebrate with their friends. If your beloved lives far away, you can connect with them through RingTok. Regardless of the boundaries, Labor Day or Labor Thanksgiving Day is celebrated everywhere as a national holiday.

4.  What Are the Other Traditions Followed in Japan?

If you think Thanksgiving Day is the only major tradition in Japan, then it’s not. There is a chain of festivals that brings smiles to the faces of Japan. Events like Christmas, New year, White day, and Golden days are equally remarkable. Although there is no public holiday on Christmas and the new year, they still maintain these days’ glory. If Japanese culture fascinates you and you want to discover more about it, download RingTok today. You can mark the traditional Japanese events on the calendar, connect with your Japanese friends via this instant messaging app, and collect recordings of their events.


The origin of Kinro Kansha no Hiin Japan is quite interesting. People exchange sweet gestures, thanking them for their labor and for making their country a prosperous industrial state. If you are going to travel to Japan in November, then you are going to dip your feet in this tradition. You can indulge in conversations in Japanese by using RingTok. How? use the translating feature and understand their language easily.

Moreover, if you need to remember the address of your hotel? Ask your hotel staff to send you the location by using this app so you can access it and follow the path to the hotel. Other countries like the United States, Brazil, Portugal, etc. celebrate many festivals, and Labor Thanksgiving is one of those events.

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